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Thursday, May 19, 2011

a little light of inspiration...

sometimes i get in these little corners where i NEED travel, NEED different, NEED inspiration, need action, plus i just LOVE travel in any shape or size...some days i motivate easily, other days i need a little hand holding *thank you to those in my life that do, can be a tough task ;)

inspiration just comes from an amazing person and conversation or something i just randomly saw and it just lights me up. needless to say i was in the zone of inspiration as i usually am, so a few of us friends took a lil road trip this past week, here are some photos. inspiration and beauty lies everywhere, even in unassuming places i would've never imagined it would be, but if i take a second to be present, active and aware it's there, i see it! hope you enjoy the beauty <3

“We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.”

~Frank Tibolt

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